알멘드후벨 가족의 즐거움 포함 기차표와 점심식사
유효성: 하루 종일
제르마트의 미각적 장점을 다른 시각에서 경험하세요. 여러 주방의 뒷모습을 들여다보고 지역 식사를 즐기세요.
제르마트의 미각적 장점을 다른 시각에서 경험하세요. 여러 주방의 뒷모습을 들여다보고 지역 식사를 즐기세요.
3 시간
모바일 티켓 허용
휴대폰을 사용하거나 바우처를 인쇄하세요.
미팅 포인트
겨울: 호텔 내셔널, 마터스트라세 39, 3920 체르마트
무료 취소
도착 24시간 전까지 취소 시 전액 환불( 24)
3코스 메뉴
세 잔의 발자이 와인
다른 식당으로의 택시 여행
서프라이즈 선물
추가 음료
체르마트는 다양한 훌륭한 레스토랑에서 발견할 수 있는 풍부한 미식 문화를 가지고 있습니다. 이 투어에서는 세 가지 서로 다른 요리를 경험할 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다. 주방장에게 비하인드 스토리를 듣고, 이후에는 프라이빗한 분위기에서 요리를 즐길 수 있습니다.
실용적인 정보:
겨울: 호텔 내셔널, 마터스트라세 39, 3920 체르마트
여름: 미라보 레스토랑, u. 마텐스트라세 12-14, 3920 제르마트, 스위스
1 가치 평가
I was very disappointed about this tour. Upon arrival, we met the first chef. Very nice man. He showed us the kitchen but nothing was cooking. We toured a kitchen and refrigerator. We we served a piece of quiche. We were then put in a taxi and dropped off at the beginning of the tunnel to Sunnega. We were not given clear directions to an elevator and where to go. We finally arrived at the Corvo hotel. The manager and girls in the kitchen were outstanding. They seated us at the bar where we could see the kitchen. They prepared and explained the foods being served. Lovely experience. We were then given directions to find our way to the 3rd kitchen. We were seated inside the kitchen at a small table inwhich we stood (no chairs). We spoke to the chef. He prepared perch. No wine served. They were cleaning up and kitchen was shutting down. We were then told to walk to the next restaurant. Upon arrival, we were brought downstairs into the wine cellar. This was lovely. The dessert chef made a cheesecake and we were served a dessert wine as well as coffee. I was disappointed in the fact that we had to transport ourselves and did not have a taxi transporting us. After a day of skiing, we were tired and understood that transportation was included. The food was disappointing. The only food that we enjoyed was Bazaar. I paid $400.00 and expected an exceptional tour.
Alda M
hace 3 años